USAID Evaluation Local Governance & Community Development in Afghanistan
Nov. 29, 2010
VIENNA, Virginia, November 29, 2010 – D3 Systems, Inc. has completed its second evaluation survey of the US Agency for International Development’s Local Governance and Community Development (LGCD) program.
The LGCD program is designed to improve governance, identify and address risk factors for instability and support for the insurgency, and empower local communities to participate in the development process. The evaluation survey is administered in villages where LGCD initiatives were administered and measures attitudes about stability, basic services, security, and community needs to determine whether program objectives have been met.
LGCD assesses community needs and implements local stability initiatives, and maintains these initiatives through Afghan-led community development programs. In doing so, LGCD works in partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA), local communities and their leaders, and U.S. Government partners at the provincial and district levels. LGCD operates in 23 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. Programs are implemented in close coordination with USAID Field Program Officers assigned to Afghanistan’s Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs).
For more information about the LGCD project visit: