D3 Presents at WAPOR 2017 in Lisbon
Jul. 31, 2017
Aligning with this year’s theme of “Public Opinion and Policy-making,” D3’s Chief Statistician & VP of Research, David Peng, presented his co-authored report on D3’s Field Quality Control Techniques in F2F and CATI Surveys at WAPOR’s 2017 Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. In addition to discussing the history and development of QC techniques at D3, the presentation focused on our total survey error prevention methods and the recent successes in ValkyRie, a custom D3 tool designed to improve report automation processes and result storage. The presentation attempted to address hard-hitting questions like, “Are our survey data good enough to inform public policy makers on the effectiveness of their choices, as well as reliably track public opinion on a wide variety of issues?” To learn more, click here to download the paper, or click on the link below to access the presentation.
Is Our Survey Data Good Enough for Public Policymakers?
D3 Founder & CEO, David Jodice, Ph.D., also presented his paper on the Who, What, Where, and How of Global Public Opinion Research. With increased political opposition to public opinion polling around the world, Dr. Jodice has identified countries with the least hindered research environments and has proposed an ambitious (yet attainable) 10 step plan for developing a global polling program. To find out more about this exciting initiative, click here to download the paper, or click on the link below to access the presentation.
Global Public Opinion Research: Thinking About the Who, What, Where, and How
While in Lisbon, both David Jodice and David Peng attended the bi-annual ESRA conference, which ran concurrently with WAPOR.