D3 Presents at WAPOR 2013
Nov. 20, 2013
The 66th annual World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) conference was held in Boston, MA. David Jodice presented “Issues of Field Work and Quality Control in Multi-Country Surveys” at the WAPOR Conference on May 12, 2013. In the presentation, authors David Jodice and Matthew Warshaw presented the pros and cons of applying a multi-method approach to ensure high quality surveys of global and regional populations. The study also discussed issues with designing quality control procedures for widely different field situations, a challenge in multi-country polling. The authors drew upon recent literature exploring the promises and pitfalls of employing multi-mode interviewing, as well as their personal experience in engaging with these methods as part of their work.
Matthew Warshaw also participated in a roundtable discussion at WAPOR about international research where he presented, “Data Collection in Developing Nations: What Every Analyst Needs to Know.” There is a growing focus on data quality in the developing world, shifting the concept of survey data as a mere commodity to a real-world understanding of the critical processes necessary to produce valid and reliable results. Drawing upon D3’s industry-leading experience, Mr. Warshaw presented key strategies for establishing and enhancing data-collection operations in conflict and post-conflict environments, such as Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Iraq, South Sudan and Yemen. From sampling sources to considerations of logistics and ethno-linguistics, this presentation covered topics essential for researchers focusing on the developing world.
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