InsideNGO Honors Pathfinder & RCS

InsideNGO honored six employees from Pathfinder International’s Program Systems Unit with its 2016 Excellence Award in Cross Operations at its annual conference, Achieving Global Impact, in Washington, DC, last week.

The InsideNGO Excellence Awards were established in 2010 to recognize professionals within the development sector who are innovating, collaborating, and ensuring operational excellence within their organizations.

Pathfinder International was recognized for partnering with Research Control Solutions (RCS) to develop a technology solution to monitor compliance of USAID projects in Nigeria and Bangladesh. RCS, a subsidiary of D3, was commissioned by Pathfinder to transform a paper-based project compliance review system to a digital app on tablet devices. The RCS app increased efficiency, improved data quality, and provided real-time data monitoring to drive actionable results.

RCS was founded by D3 Systems as an affordable solution for electronic data capture capable of overcoming field challenges in difficult research environments. RCS offers clients highly customizable tools to streamline multiplatform data collection from CAPI mobile apps to web-based surveys and CATI stations.

D3 is proud that RCS has greatly impacted Pathfinder’s ability to conduct monitoring and evaluation in project compliance. After a successful pilot in Nigeria and roll-out in Bangladesh, the team is currently coordinating additional roll-outs in Tanzania, Kenya, and other locations.

“InsideNGO recognizes the value that strong operational units bring to mission-driven NGOs,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Tom Dente of InsideNGO at the awards ceremony, held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. “The collaboration and innovation shown by Pathfinder’s Program Systems Unit truly exemplifies the importance of a cross-operations approach in the NGO sector. Through their dedication and hard work, this team is contributing to the NGO community’s shared mission of addressing some of the world’s most pressing social issues.”